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Fill out this simple form. Our team will contact you to discuss next steps. You are not obligated to fill all the fields, but by filling as much as you can, it will make our quoting procedure very easy.
  • quality
  • platforms
  • Devices
  • app about
  • Authentication
  • User info
  • Engagement
  • User interaction
  • features
  • payments
  • final step
Rough Estimate:
What quality of your app do you need?
Proof of concept
Minimum viable product
The simplest form of demo app looks very similar to the original wireframes produced for your app.
What platforms are you planning to develop your app in?
What device are you planning to develop your app in?
What is your app about?
Please choose an authentication type for your application.
What information would you like to know about your users?
When you need to know how your user looks like
Standard profile fields, Name, Email, Gender etc
Track user location, bluetooth, and other kinds of analytics
How would you like to engage your users?
Notifications inside application
Share via link, social media, email
How users interact with each other?
User to user, group, admin to user chats
Zoom, Ant, WebRTC or similar service integration
Industry standard social network features
What features would you like your app to have?
Rich user profiles, following other users, friend lists
Add map into your app with POI, track users location
Facebook or Instagram like feed and user posts
List of products in app for purchase, basket, checkout, order history
Record or play video, audio, images content
Custom two-week development service
Do you need built-in payments?
Integrate into your app payment by card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other
Price per subscription type
Price per purchase type
App is free for usage
Final step you also get...
Get free release of your app to the market
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Your app rough estimate
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